I.T Issues in Cybersecurity

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Cybersecurity protects data or information from unauthorised users, cybersecurity is designed to maintain the safety of data and its integrity as well as keep the information confidential

I.T issues with Cybersecurity come in various forms which includes, Malicious programs, internet scams, rogue Wi-Fi hotspots, identity theft and many more as follows in the list

Statistcs of Cybercrime

The table blows shows the percentag compromised by at least one successful attack, statistics from CyberEdge Group Cyberthreat Defense Report.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
75.6% 79.2% 77.2% 78.0% 80.7%

Cyber Security Conclusion

Cyber security is the practice of defending electronics and softwares such as .

  1. Computers
  2. Servers
  3. Mobile devices
  4. Electronic systems
  5. Networks

Data from malicious attacks, it is dived in different categories, these includes

they are a few issues of the use of technology in Cybersecurity which the world is currently working on today, technology helps organise and collect information from different people across the world, however %100 safety of information is not guaranteed especially for small organisations, the internet has professional cyber criminals who steal certain information for financial gain or data manipulation. Few issues of the use of technology in cyber security include internet scamming, data theft, data manipulation, malware, rouge Wi-Fi Hotspots, identity theft, phishing and Denial of service attack (DOS). Individual Users are victims of these issues such as internet scamming and encountering malware attacks, organisations and cooperate firms stays UpToDate because these attacks such as DOS evolve constantly.